Shooters ( Carling )

  Team Records
Longest Point Streak
Player Games (PTS) Dates
Kevin Regalbuto15(39) 09/23/12 -> 02/10/13
Jason Moore9(19) 11/26/12 -> ...
Jason Moore5(17) 10/01/12 -> 11/04/12
Paul Horton4(5) 10/11/12 -> 11/04/12
Steve Moffatt3(5) 10/01/12 -> 10/18/12
Roch Sullivan3(3) 01/22/13 -> 02/10/13
Steve Moffatt2(5) 01/31/13 -> 02/10/13
Roch Sullivan2(4) 10/11/12 -> 10/29/12
Steve Moffatt2(3) 12/18/12 -> 01/08/13
Paul Horton2(2) 12/18/12 -> 01/15/13
Most PTS in a Game
Player PTS Game
Jason Moore7(10/11/12) at The Scoregasms
Kevin Regalbuto5(11/04/12) at Boozehounds
Jason Moore5(02/10/13) vs Best Friends
Kevin Regalbuto5(02/10/13) vs Best Friends
Jason Moore4(11/04/12) at Boozehounds
Steve Moffatt4(02/10/13) vs Best Friends
Kevin Regalbuto4(12/18/12) at Best Friends
Jason Moore4(01/15/13) at The High Fours
Kevin Regalbuto4(01/15/13) at The High Fours
Several Tied At3
Most Goals in a Game
Player Goals Game
Jason Moore5(10/11/12) at The Scoregasms
Jason Moore4(02/10/13) vs Best Friends
Kevin Regalbuto3(01/15/13) at The High Fours
Steve Moffatt3(02/10/13) vs Best Friends
James Cherry3(10/18/12) vs Vaporizers
Kevin Regalbuto3(12/18/12) at Best Friends
Kevin Regalbuto3(11/04/12) at Boozehounds
Several Tied At2
Most Assists in a Game
Player Assists Game
Kevin Regalbuto5(02/10/13) vs Best Friends
Jason Moore4(01/15/13) at The High Fours
Several Tied At2
Most PIM in a Game
Player PIM Game
Jason Moore13(11/04/12) at Boozehounds
Jason Moore10(10/29/12) vs The New Jerseys
Paul Horton9(12/18/12) at Best Friends
Jason Moore6(01/22/13) vs Dump and Chase
Andrew Carr6(09/23/12) vs Mustard Tigers
Shawn Currie6(01/08/13) vs Mustard Tigers
Paul Horton6(10/29/12) vs The New Jerseys
Several Tied At3