Kingbird Fighting Emus ( B )

  Team Records
Longest Point Streak
Player Games (PTS) Dates
Kyle Mcgovern16(28) 09/07/13 -> ...
Kyle Brown12(48) 09/07/13 -> 03/13/14
Todd Shraiberg11(29) 09/29/13 -> 02/15/14
Ryan Buckley9(27) 09/07/13 -> 01/19/14
Jj Plutt7(22) 10/20/13 -> 01/19/14
Nicholas Derango7(15) 10/20/13 -> 12/29/13
Scott Posthumus6(26) 09/15/13 -> 11/15/13
Daniel Imperati6(14) 09/15/13 -> 11/24/13
Scott Posthumus4(5) 01/11/14 -> 02/25/14
Steven Osacky4(5) 09/07/13 -> 10/07/13
Most PTS in a Game
Player PTS Game
Kyle Brown8(03/09/14) at The Tappers
Kyle Brown7(09/07/13) vs North Stars
Scott Posthumus7(11/06/13) vs Beached Whalers
Adam Fingerhut7(10/20/13) at Cutters Studios
Ryan Buckley6(09/07/13) vs North Stars
Todd Shraiberg6(03/09/14) at The Tappers
Kyle Brown6(03/13/14) at Farm Animals
Todd Shraiberg6(03/13/14) at Farm Animals
Jj Plutt6(11/24/13) vs Budmen
Kyle Brown6(09/15/13) vs Pepper Grinders
Most Goals in a Game
Player Goals Game
Kyle Brown7(03/09/14) at The Tappers
Adam Fingerhut6(10/20/13) at Cutters Studios
Daniel Imperati5(11/06/13) vs Beached Whalers
Jj Plutt5(11/24/13) vs Budmen
Scott Posthumus4(09/29/13) at Farm Animals
Todd Shraiberg4(03/13/14) at Farm Animals
Scott Posthumus4(11/15/13) at Coyote Logistics Green
Scott Posthumus4(11/06/13) vs Beached Whalers
Several Tied At3
Most Assists in a Game
Player Assists Game
Kyle Brown5(09/07/13) vs North Stars
Ryan Buckley4(09/07/13) vs North Stars
Todd Shraiberg4(03/09/14) at The Tappers
Kyle Brown4(03/13/14) at Farm Animals
Kyle Mcgovern4(11/06/13) vs Beached Whalers
Kyle Brown4(09/15/13) vs Pepper Grinders
Several Tied At3
Most PIM in a Game
Player PIM Game
Matthew Kaplan5(10/07/13) at Coldcock Herbal Whiskey
Mark Tracy4(09/07/13) vs North Stars
Todd Shraiberg4(03/09/14) at The Tappers
Brian Spaly4(02/25/14) vs North Stars
Todd Shraiberg4(02/25/14) vs North Stars
Mark Tracy4(02/15/14) vs Wyld Stallyns
Several Tied At2