Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | Total |
Balls Deep |
2 | 2 | 4 |
The Instigators |
0 | 2 | 2 |
Balls Deep 19 The Instigators 10
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | Balls Deep - Tom Myslicki (Danny Butler, Andy Nielsen) , 15:48
| Balls Deep - Travis Chaulk (power play) (Andy Nielsen) , 17:48
| Period 2 | Balls Deep - Shane Deep (Danny Butler, Chris Johnson) , 1:27
| The Instigators - Francesco Ambrosone (Liang Seto, Adrian Leal) , 10:58
| Balls Deep - Danny Butler (Shane Deep, Pat Quinn) , 12:53
| The Instigators - Marlon Zamora (power play) (Austin Brown, Andrew Kennedy) , 14:32
Penalties |
Period 1 | The Instigators - Marlon Zamora (Tripping), 2 min , 17:39 | Period 2 | Balls Deep - Shane Deep (High Sticking The Ball), 2 min , 14:03 |
Rosters |
Balls Deep |
The Instigators |
Goalies |
Players |
Other facts |
Albert Vuong, , Barney Quong
Jennifer James
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game