Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | SO | Total |
The Eskimo Brothers |
1 | 2 | 1 | 4 |
Tight Mitts |
0 | 3 | 0 | 3 |
no shots recorded
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | The Eskimo Brothers - Jon Drover (Sean Dube, Nick Smithers) , 2:38
| Period 2 | Tight Mitts - Patty Albert (Mark Taylor) , 5:00
| The Eskimo Brothers - Sean Dube (power play) (Cobey Haskins, Nick Smithers) , 5:51
| Tight Mitts - Brad Orcutt (unassisted) , 7:38
| The Eskimo Brothers - Sean Dube (power play) (Nick Smithers, Mark Randa) , 12:03
| Tight Mitts - Patty Albert (Kenny Thomas) , 16:51
| Shootout | The Eskimo Brothers - Mark Randa (unassisted) , 0:00
Shootout |
The Eskimo Brothers |
Tight Mitts |
Nick Smithers |
no |
Brandon Yuck |
yes |
Mark Randa |
yes |
Brad Orcutt |
no |
Chris Lowrey |
no |
Tyler Lynch |
yes |
Penalties |
Period 1 | The Eskimo Brothers - Mark Randa (Cross Checking), 3 min , 16:50 | Tight Mitts - Mark Taylor (Roughing), 3 min , 16:50 | Period 2 | Tight Mitts - Chris Lowrey (Body Checking), 3 min , 4:27 | Tight Mitts - Mark Taylor (Tripping), 3 min , 9:32 | Tight Mitts - Chris Lowrey (Hooking), 3 min , 11:54 | The Eskimo Brothers - Andrew Gordon (Cross Checking), 3 min , 19:00 | The Eskimo Brothers - Andrew Gordon (Unsportsmanlike Conduct), 3 min , 19:00 | Tight Mitts - Patty Albert (Tripping), 3 min , 21:24 | The Eskimo Brothers - Nick Smithers (Roughing), 3 min , 21:42 | Tight Mitts - Anand Dattani (Roughing), 3 min , 21:42 |
Rosters |
The Eskimo Brothers |
Tight Mitts |
Goalies |
Players |
Other facts |
Kevin Pretty, , Ryan Robinson
Claudette Bower
Game Number: 373 |
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game