Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | Total |
The Notorious 613 |
2 | 3 | 5 |
Swedish Berries |
1 | 2 | 3 |
no shots recorded
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | The Notorious 613 - Mark Mercer (Andrew Trottier) , 1:34
| Swedish Berries - Brett Madigan (power play) (Ryan Taylor, Cody Rissler) , 17:02
| The Notorious 613 - Luch Pietrantonio (Ben Gagnon) , 19:02
| Period 2 | Swedish Berries - Andrew Willson (power play) (Brett Madigan, Cory Russell) , 4:03
| The Notorious 613 - Luch Pietrantonio (Andrew Trottier) , 5:55
| The Notorious 613 - Luch Pietrantonio (Andrew Trottier) , 6:48
| The Notorious 613 - Will Stymiest (Paul Mercer, Andrew Nimmo) , 8:10
| Swedish Berries - Matthew Wong (power play) (Mike Karam) , 13:57
Penalties |
Period 1 | The Notorious 613 - Andrew Nimmo (Tripping), 3 min , 3:02 | The Notorious 613 - Paul Mercer (Tripping), 3 min , 15:31 | Period 2 | The Notorious 613 - Adam Levy (Body Checking), 3 min , 1:36 | The Notorious 613 - Ben Gagnon (Hooking), 3 min , 11:06 | The Notorious 613 - Adam Levy (Hooking), 3 min , 12:58 |
Rosters |
The Notorious 613 |
Swedish Berries |
Goalies |
Players |
Other facts |
Ryan Carlson, , Ray Cronkwright
Claudette Bower
Game Number: |
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game