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Winnipeg Champions Cup
(204) 889-6524
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Champions Cup (Champs 2006)

 Divisions Tournament Message

93 Canad Inns Division
94 Division
95 Flarrow Division
Another successful Winnipeg Champions Cup has come to an end. The weekend saw great competiton, sportsmanship, and lots of action. The WCC committee and the parents and volunteers of the 3 host teams, would like to thank all teams for providing outstanding hockey competition!

Congratulation to the 2006 WCC Champions:

93: Saskatchewan Wheatland Stars
94: Toronto Pro Hockey Development
95: Minnesota Blades

See you May 24-27, 2007!
Tournament Facilities
Laptop rink Dakota Arena
Online entry arena Gateway Recreation Center

 Tournament Schedule

Click for full Schedule

(division and team schedules available further in stats section)
 Contact Information

Winnipeg Champions Cup
• (204) 889-6524