R Stars at R Bruins - Michigan Sting Hockey League - game recap | Pointstreak Sports Technologies


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MSHL (Winter 13/14)


R Bruins vs. R Stars (R League)

R Stars' comeback falls short, R Bruins wins 4-2

Troy Sports 1    Tue, Nov 12, 2013

R Bruins came close to giving away a three-goal lead to R Stars, but did just enough to escape with a 4-2 victory.

R Bruins led by three goals at one point and ended with the victory. The largest advantage in the game came when R Bruins' Steve Lambert's scored at 2:40 in the second period to put R Bruins up 3-0.

R Bruins did not challenge the opposing netminder, only getting 11 shots on net to force seven saves.

R Bruins was helped by SB Mchugh, who finished with one goal. Mchugh scored 13:04 into the first period to make the score 2-0 R Bruins. Bob Watson assisted on the tally. R Bruins also got points from Herb Larson, who also registered one goal and one assist and Lambert, who also grabbed one goal and one assist. R Bruins also got a goal from Alan Sparks as well. More assists for R Bruins came via Rick Batchelder, who had three.

R Bruins' defense shut down R Stars' forwards for much of the game, and R Stars got off only 14 shots during the contest.

R Stars was helped by Jason Rockey, who tallied one goal. Rockey scored 8:24 into the second period to make the score 3-2 R Bruins. SB Phipps provided the assist. SB Wirtanen also scored for R Stars. Other players who recorded assists for R Stars were Howard Smith, who had two.

R Bruins' Chuck Heslep stopped 12 shots out of the 14 that he faced. R Bruins ended with no penalties and went 0-for-0 on the power play. Bruno Tadolini made seven saves for R Stars on 11 shots. R Stars avoided the penalty box for the entire game and scored zero goals off of zero power plays.