Date | |
08/19/19 | Simms, Trevor traded to Texas AirHogs |
08/10/19 | Hurtado, Daniel acquired in trade from Cleburne Railroaders for a PRBNL |
07/27/19 | Wilkins, Luke acquired in trade from Sioux Falls Canaries Signed |
07/07/19 | Dean, Matt traded to Texas AirHogs Signed |
05/26/19 | Thurston, Ryan traded to Gary SouthShore RailCats Claimed off waivers |
02/27/19 | Dean, Matt traded to outside league S. Maryland (Atlantic League) |
02/27/19 | Thorpe, Tommy traded to outside league S. Maryland (Atlantic League) |
02/25/19 | Silva, Rubi traded to outside league S. Maryland (Atlantic League) |
02/25/19 | Falsetti, Michael traded to outside league S. Maryland (Atlantic League) |
02/19/19 | Dean, Jordan acquired in trade from Sioux Falls Canaries for PTBNL |
11/16/18 | Turnbull, Kylin traded to Winnipeg Goldeyes to complete an earlier trade |