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Delray Beach Lightning - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Last 7 days


Pitching Stats | Expanded Pitching Stats | Sabermetric Pitching Stats | Print
Hely, B 0.00 3 0 6.75 20.250 5.331 0.429
x Martin, M 0.00 1.125 .105 6.75 3.375 1.593 0.500
x Benton, C 0.00 2 .25 9 9.000 5.477 0.200
Hidalgo, C 0.00 1.125 .1 9 1.125 -.021 0.536
Semper, E 0.00 6 0 27 27.000 24.64 1.000
Alintoff, J 1.52 1.225 .26 8.746 2.282 2.413 0.673
Steckline, R 1.68 2.016 .158 12.656 5.484 1.681 0.598
Judge, T 2.25 1.458 .221 8.25 4.875 2.673 0.546
Morris, Z 2.41 2.571 .269 16.875 6.268 4.604 0.682
Quinn, P 2.59 1.5 .304 9.865 3.635 3.557 0.613
Adamiak, M 2.70 1.62 .214 9.18 5.400 3.61 0.625
Charnin, M 4.15 1.769 .266 10.731 5.192 4.205 0.648
Neto, Z 4.50 1.708 .244 10.875 4.500 4.652 0.596
x Hudson, W 4.50 1.3 .235 8.1 3.600 2.314 0.643
Castillo, M 5.40 3.3 .188 16.2 13.500 5.578 0.580
Roche, T 5.62 1.75 .16 10.125 5.625 4.527 0.714
Sullivan, T 5.68 1.579 .319 9.947 4.263 6.181 0.656
Scott, C 7.56 2.16 .5 16.2 3.240 7.889 0.683
Vanheyningen, J 7.59 2.625 .108 14.344 9.281 2.765 0.736
Blair, D 8.40 1.733 .224 8.4 7.200 5.392 0.667
Christopher, A 8.47 1.118 .185 3.706 6.353 7.555 0.489
Cunningham, T 8.84 1.448 .349 9.31 3.724 7.719 0.578
x Vanheyningen, Ja 9.00 3.6 .13 12.6 19.800 8.504 0.767
Kalayjian, S 9.81 2.182 .235 9.818 9.818 8.2 0.571
Landry, M 11.57 .857 .182 0 7.714 20.158 0.615
Murrison, S 16.87 1.5 .385 3.375 10.125 16.423 0.571
Harkins, S 36.00 3 .2 9 18.000 29.253 0.286
Total 4.67 220.629