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NABL 2012 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [Filter By: Last 7 days | Last 30 days ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Gabriel, C FTW OF .363 114.667 .019 .184 .113 .076 56.786
Yan, R RGV OF .356 303 .093 1.778 .198 .063 53.075
Ruiz, J FTW 1B .347 38.778 .055 .656 .206 .138 64.859
Sherrill, J SAN OF .345 95.667 .093 .556 .331 .153 58.192
Jova, M SRP RF .341 36 .023 .273 .147 .127 42.078
Weik, J EDB OF .340 29.667 .085 1.03 .295 .18 73.526
Gaines, R SAN OF .339 34.778 .067 .451 .284 .153 59.125
Caufield, C FTW RF .335 77.5 .072 .543 .242 .126 55.066
Martin, J SAN OF .332 54.714 .055 .706 .204 .104 61.958
Hereaud, C EDB IF .330 51.571 .097 .909 .291 .144 67.803
Perren, D EDB OF .327 169.5 .121 1.92 .233 .086 57.519
Pino, W EDB IF .322 91.5 .057 .793 .224 .096 55.458
Gregorich, B SCG IF .319 55.333 .085 .667 .229 .127 28.055
Micowski, M SCG OF .319 91 .104 .88 .269 .088 29.02
M Sanchez, J MAU IF .318 73.333 .112 .588 .232 .082 35.2
Lopez, A HAW OF .316 0 .076 .64 .153 .037 24.718
Marquez, B RGV 3B .311 0 .127 .975 .203 .052 36.714
Batista, W APD IF .309 25.083 .081 .574 .299 .189 54.878
Smith, S EDB OF .304 369 .028 .208 .22 .06 43.374
Tedesco, S HAW OF .300 0 .103 1.214 .257 .057 18.79
Mercedes , M RGV C .300 290 .093 .912 .155 .052 37.495
Walton, J SAN OF .296 153.5 .066 .423 .189 .107 42.59
Hernandez, F MCA IF .295 157.5 .081 1.318 .156 .054 39.012
Fontaine, C SRP IF .294 42.5 .153 .939 .376 .135 29.418
Jones, D SAN IF .293 37.9 .089 .521 .293 .127 56.813
Beatty, C FTW IF .292 36.875 .118 .494 .329 .156 49.648
Dziomba, J FTW IF .291 309 .053 .375 .155 .078 37.651
Kahoohalahala, K MAU IF .291 110 .077 .864 .168 .064 27.088
Ventura, L RGV 3B .290 43.667 .091 1.125 .271 .149 40.986
Patton, C SAN OF .287 54.286 .094 .952 .242 .134 56.762
Santana, C MCA IF .285 0 .100 1.037 .178 .041 28.381
Maeda, B SRP IF .281 35.6 .101 .553 .298 .152 27.472
Camp, L SAN IF .280 26.786 .097 .651 .277 .165 58.611
Ponce, A HAW SS .280 186 .099 .629 .253 .102 25.26
Hale, D SRP SS .279 45.8 .131 .729 .258 .118 34.125
Welch, Z APD C .278 0 .078 .463 .153 .014 21.179
Dixon, D SRP IF .278 62.333 .085 .783 .214 .112 24.927
Rodriguez, R RGV IF .277 0 .085 .394 .169 .026 27.645
Flores, O EDB C .276 246 .128 .787 .211 .057 30.424
Alfonzo, M MCA OF .276 52.5 .068 .471 .213 .114 40.274
Woodard, J SRP 1B .275 22.9 .122 .611 .389 .236 42.87
Marshall, D FTW C .274 90 .031 .214 .126 .074 27.964
Hertler, C MCA OF .273 0 .124 1.516 .24 .049 36.532
Valdez, N MAU C .273 115.5 .109 1.2 .216 .091 29.931
Battle, T EDB OF .273 53.4 .097 .37 .318 .135 37.801
Jones, B FTW 3B .272 19.778 .050 .232 .256 .205 52.587
Mochizuki, G MAU IF .270 159 .116 .71 .308 .126 22.624
Blue, V EDB OF .267 344 .160 .882 .326 .061 43.715
Sing Chow, W MAU OF .266 116.5 .106 1.2 .253 .086 28.684
Perry, S SCG SS .265 0 .107 .412 .283 .096 20.856
Hibbert, M HAW OF .264 0 .075 .409 .212 .038 20.35
Molina, F EDB SS .264 261 .094 .848 .203 .065 28.865
Sandoval, D MAU SS .263 46.4 .129 3 .28 .099 30.403
Nichols, K APD 1B .263 28 .087 .455 .273 .175 44.334
Harris, R FTW OF .254 126 .132 .481 .258 .095 31.148
De La Garza, A APD IF .252 0 .115 .968 .19 .04 22.43
Rosa, G MCA C .251 0 .185 .775 .306 .06 28.697
Debiasi, C SCG 2B .246 0 .052 .318 .076 .017 8.928
Alnas, R HAW OF .245 159 .036 .15 .088 .05 12.818
Boggs, S SRP OF .245 204 .089 .636 .176 .049 18.933
Atkins, F SCG OF .245 94 .049 .189 .16 .08 17.253
Pace, Z SRP OF .243 0 .134 1.227 .302 .077 18.735
Kandell, K MAU 2B .234 197 .071 .421 .188 .056 16.592
Crosland, J SAN IF .233 39.286 .046 .13 .193 .138 27.529
Crosland, Ja APD IF .233 39.286 .046 .13 .193 .138 27.529
Jacobs, A HAW C .231 78 .087 .348 .212 .109 16.023
Tomaszewski, N MCA IF .225 253 .067 .328 .134 .059 20.118
Ban, G SCG OF .220 168 .088 .548 .196 .077 14.595
Calderon, H SRP IF .217 58.333 .072 .424 .171 .086 14.582