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Summer 2015 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [Filter By: Last 7 days | Last 30 days ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Hansen, B RIV OF .371 44.2 .125 .825 .394 .158 52.972
Dudley, A NOR IF .346 34.1 .148 1.151 .358 .176 79.259
Gallagher, A WIN IF .338 17.75 .146 1.885 .451 .264 74.459
Chirino, S NOR IF .337 87.5 .052 1.538 .171 .089 55.573
Schultz, J EVN OF .333 23.6 .108 .782 .35 .223 79.892
Hur, M RFD OF .331 40 .093 .559 .258 .131 65.482
Earley, M SIL OF .325 38.5 .063 .643 .244 .166 69.728
Rodriguez, D RFD 1B .321 92.75 .058 .479 .143 .092 55.142
Jacobs, B TC OF .320 18.588 .122 .6 .396 .234 70.776
Austin, J TC OF .319 64.25 .054 .455 .222 .132 41.368
Dean, J SCH IF .317 66.25 .059 .567 .226 .132 42.621
Gates, A SIL OF .316 52 .126 1.019 .31 .143 67.519
Vargas, J TC IF .314 34.4 .057 .344 .218 .154 57.186
Micowski, M NOR OF .314 42.25 .112 .898 .311 .127 58.508
Ard, T RIV IF .313 12.133 .073 .462 .442 .332 85.888
Redal, C RIV OF .311 134 .087 1.696 .231 .072 57.27
Eberle, S FLO IF .309 35.9 .094 .655 .262 .156 62.678
Sabourin, J SIL IF .309 288 .081 .667 .177 .073 40.287
Livesay, C GAT OF .308 263 .108 .702 .175 .027 33.892
Slaid, J RIV C .308 31.778 .073 .434 .241 .15 47.058
Torres, M WIN IF .303 115.667 .133 1.556 .265 .063 50.737
Hidalgo, A LER IF .302 72.75 .094 .756 .203 .089 42.13
Barraza, J LER C .294 68.8 .069 .257 .206 .14 51.143
Garza, M JOL 3B .292 78 .043 .234 .167 .118 51.765
White, M WIN OF .291 25.071 .042 .232 .256 .197 54.981
Tierney, B FG IF .290 39.444 .031 .176 .183 .138 47.629
Waldrip, B GAT IF .289 35.7 .052 .238 .218 .162 52.528
Bates, P JOL OF .288 65 .110 1 .265 .1 37.229
Rodriguez, A JOL IF .287 88 .099 1.206 .239 .091 48.056
Colon, A SCH OF .287 28.6 .157 1.1 .399 .171 52.63
Massey, C SIL IF .286 60.667 .080 .653 .234 .096 47.737
Kometani, Z RIV C .285 26 .095 .405 .295 .183 51.902
Schulze, M SCH IF .285 246 .162 1.351 .285 .077 36.081
Fraga, D FLO IF .284 320 .142 1.038 .272 .072 44.198
Canela, D RIV C .284 19.467 .108 .571 .318 .192 50.43
McKenna, P NOR IF .283 15.409 .156 .542 .469 .271 74.921
Lucas, R NOR IF .282 17.947 .068 .289 .317 .226 57.51
Kalamar, S WSH OF .280 39.833 .094 .455 .255 .13 34.152
Rodriguez, J FG C .279 337 .031 .458 .113 .059 34.397
Tomasovich, A TC IF .278 59 .076 .463 .197 .115 38.788
Robinson, D RFD OF .274 59 .079 .397 .223 .138 48.54
Vasquez, N SIL IF .273 21.75 .115 .61 .345 .21 60.395
Martinez, F SIL IF .271 80.25 .146 1.267 .296 .1 45.333
Johnson, C WIN OF .271 39.1 .050 .382 .256 .153 51.17
Bistagne, B RFD IF .270 112.333 .095 .673 .226 .101 42.781
Prott, A LER OF .270 115 .093 .568 .217 .083 27.635
Balog, N EVN 1B .268 55.333 .050 .231 .16 .102 37.603
Roberts, N JOL OF .267 27.125 .173 .96 .396 .157 36.8
Haupt, D FG C .267 24 .054 .246 .257 .198 41.298
Ludy, J RIV C .267 22.2 .102 .488 .3 .156 48.516
Wobrock, A WSH IF .266 289 .074 .5 .197 .083 32.591
Sanchez, J LER IF .266 73.8 .048 .302 .187 .111 41.915
Morales, J RIV IF .264 250 .099 .857 .196 .08 29.486
Ford, M WSH IF .264 79.667 .096 .667 .234 .092 28.547
Seigel, R GAT OF .263 48.6 .146 .483 .292 .119 34.589
Monger, C NOR OF .263 26 .127 .526 .385 .148 49.796
Brown, B GAT OF .261 14.818 .129 .445 .423 .242 58.603
Marino, S SIL IF .260 43.75 .069 .519 .194 .12 41.629
Allen, J EVN IF .259 34.333 .088 .359 .314 .152 41.962
Mende, S WSH IF .259 36.444 .099 .402 .265 .152 45.123
Crespo, H RIV IF .255 84.25 .088 .515 .294 .089 37.52
Carcaise, S FG IF .253 37.778 .098 .469 .262 .147 44.614
Buckner, G GAT U .252 36.111 .074 .409 .243 .148 40.256
LaLonde, R WIN IF .249 76.25 .046 .41 .151 .092 29.807
Poma, D WSH OF .248 72.5 .089 .732 .241 .114 33.469
DeBlieux, J TC OF .247 77 .117 .596 .303 .117 28.214
Brown, S FG OF .237 59.833 .083 .436 .173 .084 34.822
Sweeney, C EVN OF .237 21.375 .077 .21 .316 .208 45.067
Arbelo, Y TC IF .237 33.4 .045 .168 .198 .153 35.286
Judah, S NOR OF .236 56.5 .094 .554 .221 .118 37.12
Urquhart, C EVN IF .235 92.333 .098 .516 .184 .069 26.369
Wertz Jr., K EVN OF .235 30.375 .122 .472 .317 .165 31.866
Valadez, M SCH C .232 90.667 .046 .212 .151 .099 24.231
Riley, M SIL OF .232 127 .116 2.267 .205 .091 26.479
Popkins, D WSH OF .232 15.55 .155 .509 .473 .273 55.586
Carrillo, S FLO IF .229 306 .082 .394 .147 .042 24.353
Lawson, R TC OF .228 36.25 .072 .303 .214 .117 28.435
Tanner, Z FG IF .228 42.125 .065 .222 .205 .142 34.972
Bell, C JOL IF .225 29.5 .072 .404 .246 .136 24
Guillen, O NOR IF .220 44.714 .067 .5 .217 .115 28.976
Beaird, M GAT OF .216 82 .082 .435 .186 .07 26.52
Bumpers, S TC SS .215 260 .066 .322 .142 .05 18.548
Veras, J FG OF .214 31.3 .039 .14 .201 .16 28.712
Rosario, F FG IF .212 129.5 .075 .301 .151 .066 19.73
Nelson, T SCH OF .209 46.167 .105 .442 .253 .123 27.215
Stevens, T LER OF .209 254 .113 .466 .228 .067 21.146
Tanis, J WIN IF .207 42.714 .034 .167 .137 .114 22.606
Casper, M JOL SS .193 233 .061 .364 .103 .034 12.984