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ULB Playoffs 2013 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Schmidt, D EDN 0.00 1.750 0.077 7.875 7.875 .641 0.394
Schmarzo, A EDN 0.00 1.714 0.200 9.643 5.786 3.633 0.600
Babin, C EDN 1.69 1.313 0.241 0.000 11.813 8.486 0.379
Turner, R EDN 2.25 1.750 0.125 4.500 11.250 2.865 0.500
Wilkerson, A FTW 3.12 1.038 0.095 8.308 1.038 1.195 0.677
Stephens, C FTW 3.45 0.957 0.283 8.043 0.574 2.422 0.738
Krout, W FTW 5.40 0.900 0.417 6.750 1.350 5.898 0.621
Rodriguez, O FTW 6.75 1.688 0.261 6.750 8.438 6.271 0.481
Loseke, M EDN 9.00 1.200 0.346 3.600 7.200 10.094 0.630
Zimmerman, R EDN 9.58 1.742 0.255 6.097 9.581 8.125 0.636