
Atlantic League of Professional Baseball Clubs

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Playoffs 2012 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Manning, C SMD 0.00 1.154 0.300 8.308 2.077 2.398 0.000
Novoa, Y YRK 0.00 1.800 0.250 13.500 2.700 1.312 0.846
Reichert, D SMD 1.42 0.474 0.118 4.263 0.000 .661 0.524
Keisler, R LI 2.13 1.579 0.238 9.237 4.974 4.248 0.571
Vasquez, M SMD 2.25 0.250 0.179 2.250 0.000 1.431 0.581
Brownell, J LI 2.84 0.789 0.178 4.263 2.842 2.158 0.692
Way, M LI 2.87 1.596 0.186 10.340 4.021 3.359 0.578
Halama, J LAN 3.18 1.500 0.333 8.735 4.765 6.849 0.351
Blevins, B LI 3.75 0.583 0.211 5.250 0.000 2.058 0.717
Thompson, D SMD 3.86 0.857 0.167 1.929 5.786 5.883 0.350
Pollok, D LAN 3.94 1.500 0.355 9.000 4.500 6.933 0.584
Thurman, C YRK 4.50 0.750 0.154 6.750 0.000 1.741 0.118
Hernandez, G SMD 4.50 1.250 0.158 2.250 9.000 8.804 0.048
Moore, B SMD 5.40 0.800 0.286 4.500 2.700 4.862 0.683
Zimmermann, B LI 7.56 2.040 0.273 10.800 7.560 6.627 0.357
Durbin, J LAN 9.82 1.273 0.354 6.545 4.909 7.086 0.636
Cody, C YRK 9.82 1.364 0.500 9.818 2.455 9.913 0.944
Feierabend, R YRK 19.29 1.286 0.438 11.571 0.000 20.238 0.720