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Playoffs 2018 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Jacob, M CHI 0.00 1.375 0.316 12.375 0.000 .948 0.767
Konecek, J KMO 0.00 1.429 0.200 11.571 1.286 .278 0.583
Huxford, K TER 0.00 0.667 0.111 3.000 3.000 .446 0.650
Schilleci, B DAN 0.00 0.750 0.000 6.750 0.000 -.56 0.417
Kloke, H TER 1.29 1.143 0.267 10.286 0.000 1.001 0.696
Laney, D TER 1.50 1.167 0.067 9.000 1.500 .239 0.524
Modrzynski, C CHI 1.80 1.200 0.250 7.200 3.600 3.799 0.667
Polansky, A TER 2.00 0.778 0.303 5.000 2.000 3.321 0.632
Klein, W DAN 2.25 1.000 0.250 2.250 6.750 5.667 0.524
Bulchik, B CHI 3.38 2.625 0.333 16.875 6.750 5.972 0.643
Johnson-Battilana, K KMO 3.68 0.886 0.180 5.523 2.455 1.421 0.695
Pachmayer, M KMO 4.50 0.500 0.261 3.000 1.500 3.194 0.600
Ridgway, J TER 4.50 1.750 0.105 4.500 11.250 4.475 0.550
Holt, C DAN 5.40 0.400 0.318 1.800 1.800 4.924 0.409
Haws, C DAN 6.00 1.000 0.385 9.000 0.000 5.025 0.400
Nix, C KMO 6.23 0.923 0.286 2.077 6.231 10.199 0.591
Mislinski, N DAN 9.00 1.500 0.211 6.750 6.750 5.19 0.714
Harvey, Z CHI 10.80 1.800 0.500 14.400 1.800 5.85 0.792
Hagedorn, T TER 14.21 0.474 0.444 2.842 1.421 12.713 0.632