
Intercounty Baseball League

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IBL Summer 2022 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - 1.25  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Arias, J Ldn 1.57 1.689 0.253 12.164 3.041 1.93 0.656
Custodio, C Gue 2.18 1.842 0.254 14.700 1.875 1.355 0.703
Harford, J Well 2.73 1.213 0.220 8.191 2.730 2.353 0.642
Boon, O Ldn 3.18 1.689 0.338 12.592 2.609 3.402 0.701
Corrente, R Well 4.79 0.437 0.324 2.905 1.025 5.174 0.674
Sloan, Z Tor 4.80 1.650 0.313 9.150 5.700 6.235 0.603
Benitez, J Bar 4.87 1.270 0.313 9.365 2.068 4.552 0.644
Guerrero, E Gue 5.01 0.823 0.334 5.924 1.481 4.993 0.709
Khan, A Bar 5.11 1.402 0.264 7.828 4.793 4.475 0.604
De Los Santos, P Ldn 5.67 1.558 0.342 9.994 4.028 6.983 0.629
Castro, A Tor 5.98 1.082 0.329 7.690 2.051 5.406 0.696
Hauck, C Kit 6.71 1.673 0.311 10.964 4.091 7.417 0.709
Moore, B Bfd 10.67 1.581 0.268 7.275 6.952 9.387 0.636