
Pecos League of Pro. Baseball Clubs

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Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Borkowski, S TUC 2.72 1.739 0.280 10.437 5.218 4.566 0.595
Keen, R TUC 3.68 0.958 0.265 5.654 2.969 4.407 0.645
Lemmo, P ALP 4.01 1.026 0.342 7.490 1.742 5.071 0.611
Johnson, D ROS 4.43 1.107 0.340 8.963 0.996 4.079 0.694
Pastrana, A WHI 4.94 1.754 0.288 9.884 5.906 6.895 0.584
Webb, J ALP 5.05 0.995 0.312 6.353 2.599 6.221 0.668
Cox, C TUC 5.28 1.077 0.268 6.750 2.945 4.572 0.653
Bozman, N WHI 5.34 1.829 0.248 9.818 6.642 6.018 0.567
Heissler, J ALP 6.11 1.196 0.355 8.196 2.571 6.661 0.696
Klaess, K ALP 6.17 0.990 0.286 5.482 3.426 7.287 0.652
Pruneda, T ROS 6.28 0.829 0.319 5.566 1.895 6.47 0.638
Gleese, E ROS 6.63 1.422 0.330 9.310 3.491 6.642 0.526
Oliver, B ROS 6.89 1.087 0.315 6.199 3.582 6.95 0.612
Carter, Z SAF 7.68 0.967 0.365 6.665 2.033 9.726 0.726