
Prospect League

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West - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Miller, R SPR IF .373 1.236 .811 .425 207
Smith, K LAF OF .358 1.083 .654 .429 184
Rodriguez, F QUI OF .347 1.009 .558 .451 237
Kato, K DAN IF .346 .950 .455 .495 209
Klotz, C QUI P .341 1.017 .622 .395 238
Elion, L TER IF .331 .835 .396 .439 171
Birdsong, C QUI IF .321 .904 .519 .385 208
Milam, Z TER IF .317 .793 .355 .438 228
Enriquez, R TER OF .310 .822 .415 .407 204
Lopez, A SPR IF .288 .885 .524 .361 238
Weiler, A TER IF .278 .826 .472 .354 206
Libman, J LAF OF .277 .846 .404 .442 226
Huffins, Z DAN OF .275 .709 .373 .336 233
Paugh, B DAN OF .269 1.002 .590 .412 199
Cryar, J LAF IF .269 .738 .345 .393 211
Ball, B LAF IF .268 .835 .436 .399 271
Shepherd, C TER IF .267 .653 .284 .369 211
Melo, J TER OF .266 .753 .383 .370 193
Stephens, L SPR OF .261 .727 .335 .392 218
Heeke, Z LAF IF .256 .684 .317 .367 217
Roscetti, J HAN IF .244 .598 .284 .314 221
Lane, J HAN IF .243 .603 .260 .343 214
Crowl, K QUI IF .239 .707 .369 .338 204
Patton, M LAF P .232 .675 .344 .331 175
Bianco, D DAN IF .216 .787 .446 .341 168
Tesmond, T SPR OF .199 .617 .296 .321 222
Powers, T LAF IF .172 .428 .178 .250 176