
Can-Am League

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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Brantley, J NJ 0.00 2.167 0.125 12.750 6.750 1.597 0.265
Brammer, D NJ 0.00 1.364 0.318 9.818 2.455 3.454 0.567
Mazza, D TR 0.00 1.091 0.292 8.591 1.227 2.181 0.839
Butler, B NJ 0.49 1.395 0.171 10.674 1.884 1.328 0.679
De La Rosa, E ROC 1.31 0.750 0.316 5.063 1.688 3.517 0.636
Karalus, R NJ 1.58 2.025 0.250 14.175 4.050 2.932 0.552
Muhammad, E TR 1.75 0.750 0.357 4.500 2.250 4.625 0.000
Duncan, F SC 1.95 0.977 0.264 6.279 2.512 3.046 0.645
Gist, A SC 2.00 0.857 0.238 7.071 0.643 2.304 0.709
Grendell, K SC 2.00 1.286 0.053 7.714 3.857 1.72 0.654
Palladino, D SC 2.80 1.700 0.231 12.600 2.700 1.181 0.538
Barker, B TR 3.09 1.235 0.321 11.118 0.000 2.007 0.628
McNorton, K TR 3.11 0.889 0.353 6.000 2.000 4.523 0.000
Zokan, J ROC 3.50 1.000 0.294 7.500 1.500 6.072 0.583
Busfield, J ROC 4.20 0.700 0.381 4.500 1.800 5.986 0.638
Tessitore, C NJ 4.67 1.556 0.310 10.000 4.000 4.988 0.725
Burns, T SC 4.74 1.355 0.279 6.097 6.097 6.738 0.706
Reyes, E NJ 8.03 1.676 0.347 7.941 7.147 11.226 0.600