
Atlantic League of Professional Baseball Clubs

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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Santana, C LAN IF .391 1.040 .598 .442 104
Dearden, T LI OF .378 1.085 .671 .414 87
McDermott, M YRK IF .371 1.063 .640 .423 97
Schwindel, F LI IF .364 1.115 .659 .456 103
Motter, T SI IF .344 1.108 .667 .441 111
Washington, D YRK IF .333 1.134 .792 .342 76
Antonini, A LI C .333 .862 .467 .395 86
Johnson, K SI OF .333 .900 .479 .421 114
Proctor, C LAN C .329 .928 .541 .387 93
Casey, D YRK OF .316 .721 .378 .343 105
Scantlin, N SI OF .310 .856 .470 .386 114
Lucky, N LAN OF .306 .879 .486 .393 84
Wingrove, R LI IF .305 .931 .525 .406 69
Brooks, R SI C .291 .943 .491 .452 73
Loehr, T LAN IF .286 .755 .377 .378 93
Rhinesmith, J YRK OF .280 .795 .427 .368 95
Dunand, J SI IF .278 .756 .400 .356 101
Sandoval, P SI IF .267 .707 .352 .355 121
Dotel, W HAG OF .267 .706 .349 .357 99
Perez, E HAG OF .253 .635 .337 .298 104
Dunston Jr., S LAN OF .243 .849 .432 .417 96
Kelly, S LI IF .242 .567 .242 .325 79
Carpenter, J LAN 1B .241 .658 .345 .313 96
Martin, T YRK OF .238 .735 .405 .330 97
Sisco, C LI C .235 .894 .543 .351 97
Terry, C HAG IF .224 .773 .459 .314 102
Sedio, C LAN OF .217 .600 .275 .325 80
Howard, G LAN OF .214 .615 .250 .365 104
Norman, B SI OF .213 .765 .461 .304 102
Martin Jr, R YRK OF .211 .601 .296 .305 83
Avelino, A HAG IF .203 .529 .304 .225 71
Kato, K YRK IF .189 .629 .316 .313 115
Abreu, O HAG IF .185 .573 .304 .269 104