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Playoffs18 - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Sosa, L ROC 0.00 0.750 0.333 4.500 2.250 6.48 0.650
Rusch, M TR 0.00 1.000 0.214 9.000 0.000 2.399 0.118
Kennedy, N ROC 0.00 1.200 0.333 8.100 2.700 4.306 0.667
Johnson, J QUE 1.65 1.224 0.173 7.163 3.857 2.872 0.687
Koplove, K SC 1.69 0.813 0.192 5.063 2.250 1.25 0.393
Evans, J TR 1.69 0.938 0.364 6.750 1.688 6.265 0.000
Ernst, B ROC 1.80 0.600 0.238 1.800 3.600 3.28 0.591
Moscatiello, F ROC 1.93 1.714 0.286 11.571 3.857 3.032 0.300
Jones, C SC 2.52 1.120 0.258 6.480 3.600 4.389 0.396
Blanco, L QUE 2.57 1.214 0.273 9.643 1.286 2.167 0.390
McNorton, K TR 3.00 1.556 0.261 12.000 2.000 1.228 0.571
Wagner, M SC 3.38 0.750 0.222 5.625 1.125 3.267 0.636
Sikula, A QUE 4.50 1.000 0.188 6.300 2.700 1.381 0.667
Murphy, C TR 4.66 0.621 0.450 3.724 1.862 8.878 0.409
Palladino, D ROC 4.91 1.636 0.250 7.364 7.364 10.361 0.700
Vinson, A SC 5.25 1.167 0.238 6.750 3.750 3.875 0.769
Elias, E TR 5.40 1.200 0.167 6.480 4.320 3.396 0.286
Blevins, B QUE 6.40 0.868 0.333 6.395 1.421 8.54 0.638
Brantley, J ROC 7.20 1.000 0.222 5.400 3.600 6.695 0.696
Cummings, J SC 7.72 0.964 0.333 6.750 1.929 5.537 0.659
Sarianides, N ROC 7.94 1.765 0.217 7.941 7.941 7.562 0.000
Halbohn, K TR 7.94 0.882 0.346 6.353 1.588 7.563 0.600