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Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Hall, S AB 0.00 0.833 0.111 6.000 1.500 .011 0.000
Lafontaine, K QC2 2.63 2.063 0.136 11.813 6.750 3.115 0.000
McKay, J BC 3.00 1.429 0.357 10.286 2.571 6.069 0.917
Pinet, M NL 3.00 2.286 0.565 19.286 1.286 7.378 0.289
Jackson, E AB 3.50 2.000 0.091 6.750 11.250 4.425 0.000
Jesperson, C AB 6.63 1.105 0.444 8.526 1.421 10.867 0.848
Carrier, N QC2 6.63 1.579 0.267 9.947 4.263 7.999 0.000
Carrier, S QC2 8.08 1.154 0.500 8.308 2.077 16.644 0.000
Lalor, H AB 8.40 0.900 0.321 5.400 2.700 6.689 0.875
Curran, V NL 8.40 1.400 0.355 7.200 5.400 14.443 0.657
Crane, S NL 12.25 1.750 0.550 9.000 6.750 17.771 0.417
Russo, S BC 13.36 1.636 0.522 7.364 7.364 23.914 0.000
Sara, M BC 17.18 0.818 0.556 4.909 2.455 26.307 0.414